Trying To Lose Weight? Your Supplement May Be Your Worst Enemy

Just because you do something good doesn’t mean you can do something bad and get away with it. Unfortunately, many people think they can. Wen-Bin Chiou, psychology professor at Taiwan’s National Sun Yat-Sen University and author of a new study in Appetite, says this is called the “licensing effect.”

(The licensing effect) is a psychological phenomenon that allows people to rationalize a bad behavior as long as they do something good first, according to Men’s Health.

Some individuals that are trying to lose weight act this way. They take a diet supplement and then skip out on exercise or eat something unhealthy thinking that the consequences will be nonexistent.

In the Appetite study, 74 people took a placebo pill. Half of those people were told that they were taking a weight-loss supplement… and ate more candy than the other group.

Want to hear even worse news? Some weight-loss supplements may not be helping you at all. Many supplements are covered in flashy packaging and advertised relentlessly in fitness magazines but aren’t necessarily healthy. In fact, they may be unhealthy as they contain chemicals such as dyes to make them look or taste good.

via Men’s Health

Oreos… More Addictive Than Cocaine?



America’s favorite cookie is the Oreo; it is irresistible… when you eat one you feel like you must eat another.

I am not exaggerating about the Oreo craving. The more you eat, the more you want. It is a difficult cycle to break, kind of like a cocaine addiction.

A study out of Connecticut College says our addiction to sugary foods such as the Oreo is quite similar to that of the hard drug because of the way our brains react to both things.

“Our research supports the theory that high-fat/high-sugar foods stimulate the brain in the same way that drugs do,” neuroscience professor Joseph Schroeder explained in a statement. “It may explain why some people can’t resist these foods despite the fact that they know they are bad for them.”

Schroeder, along with a group of students, created a maze that allowed lab rats to choose to where they wanted to be: with an Oreo or with rice cakes. The results were then compared with a similar study in which rats were injected with either morphine or saline. The researchers discovered that the rats reacted to Oreos in a similar way to the hard drugs, according to U.S. News.

The researchers also noted that rats experienced more pleasure when eating cookies than when cocaine or morphine were in their systems.

So, the secret is out. Oreos are highly addictive and you are not alone. I may grab some later today… and by some I really mean 20 or so.

via U.S. News

Liking A Lot Of Food Photos On Instagram? You May Be Ruining Your Appetite

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Anyone who uses Instagram knows that you don’t have to try hard to find photos of tasty foods; millions of people post them every single day!

Are you looking at all of the photos? If so, you may be ruining your appetite, according to research out of Brigham Young University. Apparently, frequent feasting of your eyes on attractive foods could result in reduced enjoyment of your actual meals. Study author Ryan Elder, Ph.D. says this occurs because the regions of your brain that process taste are having you imagine what the food shown on Instagram would taste like… and you may not even realize you are doing this.

If you want to thoroughly enjoy your next meal, keep off Instagram beforehand.

via Men’s Health

Bring A Smile To Those Who Need It Most On World Smile Day®

One of the simplest, yet most powerful forms of self-expression is the smile. It is recognized by everyone on the planet, regardless of culture, race or religion. With all of the struggles life brings with it, the smile brings a moment of happiness that can quickly spread to others that observe it.

Unfortunately, millions of people in developing countries have difficulty smiling due to deformities they’re born with, the most common being cleft lip and cleft palate. Clefts not only make smiling more of a challenge, but make it difficult to eat or speak. Some people are shamed by their communities, considered “cursed by God” and shut out from great opportunities in both their personal and professional lives. A number of newborns are even abandoned or killed immediately after birth. These people suffering with cleft usually do so for their entire lives because they cannot afford the common, simple $250 surgery that eliminates the problem.

“I thought it was just a cosmetic issue… it’s so much more than that.” – Dean Cain (actor and Smile Train supporter)

Some with cleft may see the world as dark; however, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Sitch News is happy to introduce you to Smile Train, a charity organization that provides free cleft surgery to hundreds of thousands of poor children in developing countries, trains doctors and medical professionals and ensures that children receive comprehensive, total rehabilitative care involving speech therapy, general dentistry and orthodontics. Stories from people like Angieleca Hayahay and Sule and Lami Alhassan have inspired Smile Train to continue helping people change their lives and move forward feeling healthier and more confident than ever before.

On October 4th, you can celebrate and join the hundreds of students in NYC who are striding for smiles this World Smile Day®. To join the celebration retweet or post to Facebook the below infographic with #smileygraph and/or #WorldSmileDay. Each share triggers a $25 donation for Smile Train.


There are several opportunities to brings smiles to faces around the world. Find out about other ways you can get involved or make a donation today.

via Smile Train

McDonald’s To Offer Healthier Choices In 2014 And Beyond



Fast-food giant McDonald’s, known for its meals consisting of burgers, fries and soda, announced last week its plans to offer healthier choices by early next year. The announcement was made Thursday at the Clinton Global Initiative. The food chain is working with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation in an effort to combat childhood obesity and promote healthy eating habits.

Side salads are hitting the menu in early 2014, followed by a Happy Meal drink options list that only includes juice, milk or water before 2017, according to Bloomberg.

Don’t worry… fries will still be available.

via Bloomberg 

Shades Help Save You From Allergies

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Official Situation

Sunglasses do more than just add style to your face and protect your eyes from sunlight. They actually help block allergens from entering your body, according to a recent Turkish study. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner.

Study participants — all suffer from seasonal allergies — were given both Claritin and nasal spray. Half of those individuals wore sunglasses during the day. Those with shades on every day had fewer allergy-related problems.

Sunglasses do a decent job of preventing pollen from entering your eyes and nasal area.

“This doesn’t surprise me,”  says Leonard Bielory, M.D., of Rutgers University. “We tell people that contact lenses improve ocular allergy, and when an ocular allergy is improved, nasal allergy improves.” Dr. Bielory says that the eyes and nose are directly connected in what he calls a “reflex arc.”

Not all shades provide the same amount of protection. Shades with large, wraparound-style lenses are best for blocking allergens.

Interested in getting your hands on a new pair? Head over to and let them take care of your eyewear needs.

 via Men’s Health