Group Of Drag Queens Poke Fun At Amanda Bynes In ‘Blurred Bynes’ Video

The controversial video, featuring former RuPaul’s Drag Race contestants DWV (Detox, Willam and Vicky Vox), aims to find humor in troubled star Amanda Bynes’ recent history and current psychological circumstances.

Given the fact that we now know of medical reasons for Byne’s erratic behavior, it no longer seems funny. What say you?

via FishWrapper

Boost Explosive Strength With Resistance Band Training



Have you ever used resistance bands during your workouts? If you have not, you should probably start… especially if you’re looking for major strength gains.

Researchers at the University of Tampa say resistance band training improves explosive strength by adding resistance to the easiest parts of a lift. In other words, your muscles have to work harder where they would normally be the strongest.

In the study, basketball players who used resistance bands when bench pressing and squatting saw greater increases in strength and power than individuals who kept the bands out of the workout.

You can incorporate a band into your barbell training by doing the following, according to Men’s Health: attach the band to a barbell and run it under the lower crossbar at one end of a bench or squat rack, loop the band’s ends around the bar, then repeat the repeat the steps on the other side.

via Men’s Health

Jersey Shore Boardwalk Blaze Destroys Dozens Of Businesses, Breaks Millions Of Hearts

Seaside just can’t catch a break.

Less than a year after Hurricane Sandy slammed the Jersey Shore towns, and just a day after the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Seaside Heights and Seaside Park had to endure an intense fire that resulted in the total destruction of dozens of businesses Thursday.

It took more than 18 hours to contain the fire, according to The New York Times. Around 500 firefighters did everything they possibly could to stop it from spreading as wind gusts of 35 miles per hour blew the blaze north along the boardwalk. Sadly, parts of the boardwalk that had just been rebuilt had to be dismantled in an effort to stop the fire.

Funtown Park Arcade manager Daniel Shauger summed up the situation in three sentences.

“Everyone is struggling down here, and now everything is completely destroyed,” Shauger said.

“I am sure everything inside has to be replaced, and somehow it will be,” he said. “We have a few tough years ahead of us but we will come back.”

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie described his initial feelings after being notified of the fire.

“I said to my staff, ‘I feel like I want to throw up,’” Christie said.

The fire seemed to have started at the Kohr’s ice cream shop in Seaside Park shortly after 2 p.m. before spreading north along the boardwalk. Johnny Nysether, a 24-year-old local resident who worked at a candy store on the boardwalk, compared the pain he felt seeing the business burn to the way he felt when Sandy hit.

“Watching it burn is a lot like watching it drown,” Nysether said. “I have a lot of friends and family that just lost their jobs.”

Here are more details from Governor Christie, delivered Friday morning:

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino, the Sorrentino family, and everyone at Sitch News and MPS Entertainment have those affected by the fire in their thoughts and prayers.

via New York Times